Unstoppable Rise
breaking bad habits, stopping bad habits, creating new habits

How to Break a Bad Habit: 4 Actionable and Powerful Strategies

Over the course of our personal and productive lives, we will form both “good” and “bad” habits. This is normal...

Advice for 25 year olds, career advice for 25 year olds

Advice to a 25-Year-Old-Man on Skill Acquisition

This post arose out of an answer I wrote on the site Quora in response to a question asking: “What...

social intelligence, how to be socially intelligent

How to Win at Social Skills and Social Intelligence (5 Crucial Mindsets)

There's a game being played all around you. Winning this game will help you get the life you desire. You win the game through social intelligence.

think positive thoughts

How to Think Powerful Thoughts: Mastering and Understanding Positive Thinking

One of the most perspective shifting books I've ever read was As A Man Thinketh. In this summary, I'll show you why.

strong work ethic

The Real Secret Behind Increasing Your Productivity and Work Ethic

Everyone wants to be known as the guy who has a strong, insane, sickening work ethic. Pushing into challenges and...

how to be more creative

How “Ordinary” People Can Become a Creative Force of Nature Through Daily Rituals

A solid routine fosters a well-worn groove for one’s mental energies and helps stave off the tyranny of moods. –...

how to stop being passive

How to Stop Being a Passive Spectator In Your Own Life

It is becoming easier to be a passive consumer in life than a participant. Not only is it becoming easier,...

stop seeking validation

How to Stop Seeking External Validation with 6 Powerful Strategies

I wrote this in response to a post from David at How to Beast. He has a great post but...

How to Structure Your Time Management with the Tower Technique

If you want to achieve your goals, you need to know how to manage your time. Time is the raw...

Self-Help Isn’t Helping. Here’s 6 Reasons Why (and What Will)

Self-Help. Those words are cringeworthy to some, money in the bank to others, and twitch-inducing to many. Self-help and self-development...